Sepetinizde Ürün Yok

Dr. Hala Kamal

MD Ophthalmology
Fellowship of the British Royal College of Surgeons
Consultant of strabismus and ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine
Early diagnosis and treatment of children's eye diseases - treatment of strabismus with and without surgery
Specialized in treating facial and eye spasms and involuntary eye twitches with Botox
Blepharoplasty and Botox injections to remove the effects of aging, eyelid relaxation, eyelid deformities, and artificial eyes
Laser vision correction and femto-laser operations - cataract operations
Mobil Numarası 00201099637767
Telefon Numarası 0020504915023
Çalışma Saatleri öğlen 12'den akşam 3'e kadar
İletişim Saatleri Sabah 10'dan akşam 13'e kadar
İş günleri Pazartesi , Çarşamba

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